Changing the people who change the world
Following Jesus' prayer that His Father's house would be called a house of prayer for all nations, the Intercultural Mission & Ministry concentration is designed to develop visionary ministers and equip them with the competencies needed to lead multiethnic/multicultural churches and ministries.
Why Have an Intercultural Mission & Ministry Concentration?
The primary response of the Seventh-day Adventist church to ethnic and cultural diversity has been the development of ethnic-specific churches. This response generated by the challenge posed by language-specific needs and driven by the homogenous approach to evangelism has experienced some success. However, this reality poses a potential challenge to 21st-century ministry in a postmodern world. For most postmoderns, racial diversity should be the norm and celebrated. Racial inclusivity in the world and the perceived racial exclusivity in the church suggest that something is amiss. In order to minister effectively in the 21st-century context, there is a need to develop effective models for doing multiethnic/multicultural ministry and mission.
By the year 2050, demographers predict that in the United States of America there will be no single majority ethnic group. By that time, ethnic minorities will make up almost 50% of the population. With the changing face of America and the voice of postmodernity calling for ethnic/cultural inclusivity, some social scientists are predicting that "the twenty-first century holds the potential to be the century of the multiracial congregation. A movement toward more multiracial congregations must be the cutting edge for ministry and growth in this century." (Curtiss Paul DeYoung et al., United by Faith: The Multiracial Congregation as the Answer to the Problem of Race) This requires the development of models for doing intentional Intercultural Mission & Ministry. Without models that push toward Intercultural Mission & Ministry and away from ethnic-specific churches, Adventists will not be effective in doing ministry in a postmodern and increasingly diverse society. Additionally, the current ethnic division in the church is a potential obstacle to new and emerging generations within this body who cannot harmonize a gospel of racial unity with current ecclesiastical practices.
Concentration Goals
Knowing: The knowledge base has the following components:
Understanding of the biblical and sociological foundations for Intercultural Mission & Ministry
The four levels at which racism exists
The best practices for Intercultural Mission & Ministry
A primary reason for the challenge of 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants
The changing demography of the United States
Postmodern and metamodern views on racial inclusivity
The principles of racial reconciliation
Appreciation and awareness of the personal spiritual life as foundational for mission and ministry
Systems thinking and change theory
Leadership development as the framework for intercultural mission & ministry
The principle of reflective practice
Doing: Participants in the concentration demonstrate competency in areas fitting their context selected from the practices listed below:
Implementing spiritual health into the fast-paced life of the 21st century
Applying the principles of racial reconciliation in the church and local community
Modeling intercultural mission & ministry
Transitioning a church for intercultural mission & ministry
Planting a multiethnic/multicultural church
Implementing best practices in intercultural mission & ministry
Establishing clear indicators for assessing intercultural mission & ministry
Processing and managing change
Utilizing the principles of reflective practice
Being: In the process of the concentration, participants will experience development in the following areas:
One's identity formed through discipleship
Intercultural mission & ministry as a way of life
Commitment to multiethnic/multicultural collaboration for mission and ministry
Awareness of one's cultural intelligence
A consciousness of personal and corporate racism
Attentiveness to one's personal prejudices
A lifelong learner
Learning Modalities
Ministry Development Plan (MDP)
Context support group
Learning groups including collective assignments, consultations, and accountability
Mentoring as a professional relationship
Classroom consultation including didactic and experiential learning, as well as networking with top practitioners and experts in the field of intercultural mission & ministry
Research including current literature, assigned readings, and case studies
Praxis including the implementation of leadership interventions in the context of ministry
A project including theological reflection, field research, and intervention involving a specific challenge in the ministry context
The Cohort Experience
The program is delivered in the cohort model, wherein participants proceed through the sequence of courses together. Study and learning are year-round, with pre-intensive, during-intensive, and post-intensive activities and experiences. Pre-intensive assignment preparation can begin as early as six months prior to an intensive. There are four annual teaching sessions presented by ministry professionals. During the program, you will participate in regional workgroups, follow a ministry development plan, read and reflect on the best literature in your concentration area, and develop and evaluate a professional project within the context of your own congregational or other leadership responsibilities.
Cohorts are identified by the year in which they formed. For example, if you are a member of a cohort that formed in 2023, during the five-six years you expect to be in the program, the title of your group will be "the 2023 Intercultural Mission & Ministry Cohort."
Module Descriptions
PATH 723 - Theological and Social Science Foundations for Intercultural Mission & Ministry
Credits: 4
This module will focus on a systematic study of Old Testament and New Testament principles for multiethnic and multicultural missions and ministry. It will explore the history of immigration and changing demographic trends in the United States and address issues of cross-cultural communication. A sociological foundation for understanding the various ethnic and cultural groups that make up the rich American tapestry will be explored along with issues of racism, prejudice, and racial reconciliation.
GSEM 790 - DMin Project Seminar
Credits: 4
Participants receive assistance in forming their DMin project proposal, and orientation to issues in the successful completion of the project. Areas of focus include a literature review, theological reflection, critical thinking, experiential learning, reflective observation, research design and techniques, reading and evaluating research, academic writing, development of an effective work plan for completion of the project, and other project-related topics.
GSEM 706 - Spiritual and Theological Foundations for Ministry
Credits: 8
This module looks at theological and spiritual foundations as a basis for engagement in ministry. Ministry is based on being as well as doing. This module builds the spiritual and theological foundation from which the practice of mission and ministry grows and seeks to lead the participant into a self-reflection and examination of life and belief.
PATH 731 - Essential Principles and Practices in Intercultural Mission & Ministry
Credits: 5
This module will examine best practices in multiethnic/multicultural mission and ministry. Special emphasis will be given to models of multiethnic/multicultural mission and ministry. The module will include site visits to successful multiethnic/multicultural churches and discussions with these top practitioners.
PATH 712 - Transformational Leadership
Credits: 5
Personal and theological reflection will be integrated with principles for leading change. Systems thinking, transformation of organizational culture, and human development theory are investigated in the context of multiethnic/multicultural leadership. The module also pursues further development and application of multiethnic/multicultural lifestyle modeling.
GSEM 796 - DMin Professional Dissertation/Portfolio
Credits: 6
The DMin professional dissertation/portfolio integrates theological reflection, scholarly research, and practical ministry. The professional dissertation/portfolio contributes to the enhancement of ministry and to the growth and development of the ministry professional.
GSEM793 - DMin Research Methods Seminar
Credits: 2
Forming the action plan for successfully implementing and evaluating the DMin project. Areas of focus include action research, research design, and methods, descriptive statistics, methods of evaluating the project, IRB approval, and other project-related topics.
Contract the Coordinators
The coordinators for this concentration are...
Dr. Bruce Bauer (bbauer@andrews.edu) and
Dr. Kenley Hall (kenley@andrews.edu)
Travel and lodging information is provided in the links under the "Intensive Location" column.
Cohorts are identified by the year in which they formed. Cohort participants will take these courses and modules:
2018 NAD Multiethnic/Multicultural Mission and Ministry
Course requirements and schedule for the North American Division cohort that began in 2018:
Online registration must be completed before the course start date. The course registration number (CRN--in parentheses) is the number that registers the course.
Follow the linked course names to obtain the course syllabi.
2018 TED Multiethnic/Multicultural Mission and Ministry
Course requirements and schedule for the Trans-European Division cohort that began in 2018:
(follow the linked course names to obtain the course requirement documents)
2023 NAD Intercultural Mission and Ministry
Course requirements and schedule for the North American Division cohort that began in 2023:
Online registration must be completed before the course start date.
The course registration number (CRN--in parentheses) is the number that registers the course.
Follow the linked course names to obtain the course syllabi.
The Doctor of Ministry reduced residency (for intensive venues other than the Andrews University campus) is offered as an approved exception to Association of Theological Schools Degree Program Standard B, section E.3.1.1.
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