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Conference Sponsorship Policy


Conference Support for Andrews University Doctor of Ministry (DMin) Students

North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists

The local conferences of the North American Division each contribute to an annual subsidy to the Seminary to help with the expenses of providing the advanced-degree professional programs.  The amount of each conference's share of this subsidy is determined by factors other than whether or how many students they may have in the program(s) at any given time--it is not a student-based subsidy. The DMin tuition is subsidized at 56%, and the remainder is paid by the doctoral enrollee and/or their sponsoring entity.


This is a sample policy illustrating how an individual DMin student's tuition (after the 56% subsidy reduction) is sponsored by many conferences, in which the local conference pays one or two-thirds and the union might pay one-third of tuition expense. All fractions apply to the already-reduced special NAD rate, which is  $4,632 (for eight credits) for the 2019-20 academic year.


Union Conference:


The union conference pays one-third of the reduced tuition and registration fees charged to the student up to the total of 32 credits required by Andrews for completion. The local conference will bill the union for reimbursement of this tuition portion.


Local Conference:


The local conference may choose to assist the student with one-third (1/3) or two-thirds (2/3) of tuition up to 8 DMin credits per year under the subsidized tuition plan. Any amount not covered by the union or local conference remains the student's responsibility.

Some conferences may also choose to assist their sponsored students' associated costs, such as...

1. Travel expenses for one round trip per year to the site where each of four modules is taught; this could include mileage, air fare, and/or rental car reimbursement.

2. Housing - actual cost of the room. The dorm rate applies when the module is taught on the campus of one of our denominational colleges or universities (when space is available).

3. Per Diem - Current individual daily rate for travel to and from the site. Single per diem applies while on-site and taking classes.  Additional family expenses will be the student's responsibility.

4. Project expenses subsidy up to $500 upon successful completion of the Doctor of Ministry program.


DMin applicant/student:


  1. Application fees. (Professional enrichment funds may be used up to the maximum total available to the student each year.)

  2. Travel expenses not covered above. (Professional enrichment funds may be used up to the maximum total available to the student each year.)

  3. The University expects the student to show evidence of ability to pay at enrollment and registration for each module.  Sponsored students should obtain a letter from the local conference verifying sponsorship and requesting the University to bill the local conference. 

  4. All books and materials costs. (Professional Enrichment Funds may be used up to the maximum total available to the student each year.)

  5. Graduation expenses for regalia, travel, per diem, and housing. (Professional enrichment funds may be used up to the maximum total available to the student each year.)

  6. One-third (1/3) of tuition in conferences where the student pays one-third of tuition.


Enrollment and Registration:


  1. The student must first apply to Andrews University and obtain a letter of acceptance before he/she may register for Doctor of Ministry study modules.

  2. The registration procedure includes these steps: A student must arrange financial clearance*; register online for modules when notified by the Doctor of Ministry office that registration is open (as much as three months in advance of the approaching semester). During the first four years, registration is necessary just once each year. Registration is for the semester containing intensives, and has a 365-day "life span." After the fourth-year coursework, registration for DMin Project Continuation** must be renewed each semester the student remains in the program up to the six-year limit. Semesters begin approximately at the beginning of these months: August, January, and May (exact dates vary from year to year). If needed, please contact the Doctor of Ministry office well in advance of the registration deadline for assistance. 


*Financial clearance must be established for every term of registration a student is in the program. It is accomplished by one of these methods:

  1. Pre-payment of tuition

  2. Affirmation of conference sponsorship for tuition

  3. Payment in full of tuition promptly after charges have been posted

  4. Special arrangement for a payment plan for any outstanding balance


Students may make credit card payments online. For questions regarding accounts or financial clearance, DMin students should communicate with Fares Magesa, Assistant  Director of Student Financial Services (, 269-471-3428).


**   There are two kinds of continuation in the DMin program:

Project Continuation - In the semesters following the 4th-year registration for all course work and project credits, a student may have project continuation registrations each semester up to the six-year limit for DMin Project Continuation. There is no additional fee for this registration.
Program time limit extension - For those students in project continuation who have not completed the program within the six-year limit, a one-year extension may be petitioned. Registration during this extension year will incur a per-semester fee of $1,407 per semester (2019-20 academic year rate).


Miscellaneous Information:

  1. Housing (when modules are offered on the Andrews University campus)
    a. Residence hall guest rooms, when available, with linens supplied.
    b. Make reservations early. Call Guest Services at 269-471-3295 or email for guest rooms.
    c. Furnished apartments: call University Housing office at 269-471-6979,
    d. Private accommodations near campus (see the campus information page)

  2. Meals
    a. University Food Service is buffet-style, all-you-care-to-eat: See for current rates. A snack shop is also available adjacent to the student lounge in the Campus Center building.
    b. Contact Food Service to set up a "draw-down" account from which to charge your meals.



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